giovedì 26 novembre 2015

Use of English


An idiom is an expression that has not a literal meaning, but figurative. Since they are a very important part in the English language, we should include them in ESL classes. It is better our students get used to them early on.
This exercise is addressed to primary 6 pupils. Firstly, the teacher explains the concept of idioms and then, after practising the 5 idioms related to food, students have to answer the questions in pairs.

Look at the idioms and in pairs answer the questions.

                   My sister is the apple of mum's eye.
                        Is your sister your mum's favourite child?
                       1) No

Yesterday exam was a piece of cake.

How was the exam?

1) very difficult
2) very easy

Tom's father works in a bank, he is a big cheese!

What does this sentence mean?

1) He is an important person
2)He hasn't got an important job

Yesterday Sally bought a new pair of shoes and she was happy because there were as cheap as chips. 

The shoes were...

1) cheap

Football is not Mary's cup of tea.

Does Mary like football?


If you want to print the activity click here:

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