giovedì 26 novembre 2015

Use of English


An idiom is an expression that has not a literal meaning, but figurative. Since they are a very important part in the English language, we should include them in ESL classes. It is better our students get used to them early on.
This exercise is addressed to primary 6 pupils. Firstly, the teacher explains the concept of idioms and then, after practising the 5 idioms related to food, students have to answer the questions in pairs.

Look at the idioms and in pairs answer the questions.

                   My sister is the apple of mum's eye.
                        Is your sister your mum's favourite child?
                       1) No

Yesterday exam was a piece of cake.

How was the exam?

1) very difficult
2) very easy

Tom's father works in a bank, he is a big cheese!

What does this sentence mean?

1) He is an important person
2)He hasn't got an important job

Yesterday Sally bought a new pair of shoes and she was happy because there were as cheap as chips. 

The shoes were...

1) cheap

Football is not Mary's cup of tea.

Does Mary like football?


If you want to print the activity click here:

martedì 24 novembre 2015


Describe and draw!

This activity is addressed to primary 3 pupils. It is an exercise for two people, but in large classes they can do it in teams of 3-4. The aim is to practise speaking by describing a picture and asking questions. Through this activity pupils can revise house vocabulary and prepositions.

Game time!
Look at the house and describe it to your partner. He/she has to draw what you describe. When you finish, show him/her the picture! Remember, you can ask questions.
After, make your own picture and play again

You can print the activity here:


In this exercise students are going to read a text about a daily routine and then they are going to answers some questions. In the second part, as follow-up, they are going to write a short text about their daily routine. 
It is addressed to primary 4. 

Keira's daily routine

Hello! my name's Keira and I am 8 years old. I am Irish and I live with my mum, my dad, my two sisters and my puppy in Dublin, the capital city of the Republic of Ireland. 
In the morning, on weekdays,  I usually wake up very early, at 7:30. First, I have a shower, I wash my face and I comb my hair, then I get dressed and finally I have breakfast. I always have breakfast with my two sisters, Clare and Heather. They are 12 years old and they are twins! We usually have a bowl of cereal and hot milk, but sometimes we have toast with jam and an apple, yummy!
I go to school by bus, I get it at 8:30 and  it takes 20 minutes. 
Classes start at 9 o'clock. I am very good at maths but my favourite subject is history. I have a break at 11.30. I eat a sandwich or a banana and I drink an orange juice. I like the break because I play volleyball with my friends in the playground. At 1.30 I have lunch in the school canteen. School finishes at 4 o'clock. 
In the afternoon I play computer games with my sisters or we walk the puppy. Afterwards my help me with my homework and later we watch TV.
We have dinner altogether at 8:30. After dinner I read a book or play with my dog. 
Sometimes I surf the net with my father. 
At 10 o'clock I brush my teeth and I put my pyjamas on. I go to bed at 10:30.


  1. How old is Keira?
  2. Where is she from?
  3. Is she an only child?
  4. Has she got any pets?
  5. What time does she wake up?
  6. What does she usually have for breakfast?
  7. How does she get to school?
  8. What time does school start?
  9. What is her favourite subject?
  10. What does she do in the afternoon?
  11. And after dinner?
  12. What does she do before going to bed

Now it's your turn! Describe your daily routine.

You can print the activity here:

lunedì 23 novembre 2015


With this activity students are going to develop a topic through a mind map. After reflecting individually they are going to complete this mind map and then they are going to give their own presentation. It is addressed to primary 5-6. 

My last holiday

Write notes and then make a presentation on the the topic above.  You can use pictures and souvenirs bought during your holidays Remember, you have to speak for 3 minutes!

You can print the activity here:


It's time to cook!

The aim of this activity is to practice listening and writing. Pupils will improve food vocabulary and revise imperative verbs. It is addressed to primary 4-5 pupils. It can be use to stress the difference between a typical Spanish breakfast and an American ones.

Watch the video and complete the pancakes recipe.
Then, in group of 3-4, they will write the Spanish omelette recipe.

Pancake recipe

1)Pancake mix
5)your favourite_________


First combine the ________with______and________ and then______the eggs. Mix, mix, mix, mix!!! Now it is ready to_______. Look yummy!!! Eating time! We will need_______, _______, and the________. _________ is good for our heart and your_______! Strawberries are rich in__________.

It’s time to eat! Yummy!!!

Now it’s your turn!

Recipe name: Spanish omelette

Look at the picture and complete the ingredients list:

300 ml of_________
1 medium__________
6-7 medium_______, peeled
S____ and P______

Equipment: Preparation time:


After that, _________________________________________

You can print the activity here: